18 December, 12:00 NY / 18:00 Berlin, online journey through...
Winter 2022
(Ne)moi text: an Open Call
Deadline is April 1
14 Ways of Writing
December, 8, 6:30 pm UTC+1, literary reading by Natalia Fedorova...
Academic English
Danielle Browske | S25 F
Anatomy of Destruction, an attempt to create an empathy machine
November, 16, 11 am - 6 pm UTC+1, workshop by...
Ancient Culture: Polis, Family, Personality
Ilya Kalinin | F24 M W
Anthropological Aspects of Digital Technology: Introduction to Digital Humanities
Ilya Utekhin | F24 FR
Anti-Colonial Museum and the Practice of Reconciliation
Vera Shengeliya | SEP – NOV F23
Antidote against Tyranny? The Case of Russian Independent Media
February 1, 2023, 6:00 pm. Panel discussion at Bard College...
Autofiction and Scandal
May, 23, 2024, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm CET Lecture...
Autofiction at the Crossroads of Experience and Writing
Larissa Muravieva | MAR – APR S23
Autofiction at the Crossroads of Experience and Writing
Larissa Muravieva | NOV – DEC F23
Autofiction between Fiction and Trauma
April 18, 7 pm CET Lecture by Larissa Muravieva (in...
Beautiful Russia of the Future: The Political Legacy of Alexei Navalny
Venyavkin, Gessen, Gilev, Kalinin | OCT F24
Birth of Modern Capitalism? Two Talks on Antonio Serra’s Breve trattato
28 February, 2024 Two talks on Antonio Serra at the...
Chronicle of Historical Politics during the Russian-Ukrainian War
7 March, 16:30 CET Presentation by Yurii Latysh and Sergei...
Cinema around the Balkans
Jan Levchenko | MAR – APR S25
Climate Crisis and the Struggle for Equality
Felix Jaitner | FEB – APR S25
Cognitive Aspects of Conflict Resolution
Michael Allakhverdov | S23 M W
Cognitive Aspects of Conflict Resolution
Michael Allakhverdov | F23 T T
Cognitive Aspects of Conflict Resolution
Michael Allakhverdov | F24 T T
Comparative Case Studies within the Disability Rights Movement
Vera Shengeliya | SEP – NOV F23
Comparative Case Studies within the Disability Rights Movement
Vera Shengeliya | SEP – OCT F24
Contemporary Art in Russia
Stanislav Savitski | F23 T T
Contemporary Cultural and Literary Theories
Ilya Kalinin | S24 M W
Contemporary Cultural and Literary Theories
Ilya Kalinin | S25 M W
Contemporary Philosophy at the Crossroads with Nihilism
June, 28, 2024, 7:30 pm – Book Launch with Artemy...
Critical Perspectives on Human Rights: Human Rights and Spectatorship
Denis Skopin | F23 W
Critical Perspectives on Human Rights: Human Rights and Spectatorship
Denis Skopin | F24 W
Culture as Politics: Archeology of National Knowledge
Ilya Kalinin | Monday, December 19, 7 pm (UTC+3)
Diary Film
Masha Godovannaya | S25 M W
Diary Film, Autoethnography, and Poetic Film Writing
Masha Godovannaya | S24 M W
Digital Echoes: The Future Integrity of Archival Storage
October 27, Andrei Rodin's Talk at Bard College Berlin.
Disability Representation in the Cultural Institutions
Vera Shengeliya | FEB15 – APR18 | TH
Dissent! Politics, Justice, Dignity
Pinar Kemerli | S23 T T
Documentary Poetry
Galina Rymbu | MAR – APR S25
Documentary Poetry: Politics of Memory and the ‘Desire for an Archive’
Galina Rymbu | SEP – NOV F24
Does Might Make Right? Ancient Perspectives on an Enduring Dilemma
Thomas Bartscherer | S24 Tu
Dystopia: history, poetics, pragmatics
Dmitry Bykov | MAR27 – APR26 | W F
Ecocritical Reading of Russophone Poetry
Galina Rymbu | APR – MAY S25
Elusive horizons: films by Masha Godovannaya
April 29, 7 pm, Film screening at Cineteca Nacional, Mexico...
Empowering People with Disabilities: Community Support and Advocacy
Vera Shengeliya | FEB12 – APR15 | M
Ethnic and Language Policy in Central Eastern Europe
Oleksandr Vasiukov | S25 W F
Evgeny Yufit: Exploring a Necrorealist Archive
June 14, 2024, A Screening in the UCL. Presented by...
Experimental Feminist / Woman’s Poetry
Galina Rymbu | JUNE6 – AUG22 | TH
Experimental feminist/ woman’s poetry
Galina Rymbu | NOV21 – DEC21 | T T
Exploring Disability Identity
Vera Shengeliya | FEB – MAR S25
Feminization of History in the Culture of the 19th century
June, 6, 2024, 7:00 pm – Presentation at the Reforum...
Film Diary: Archiving of The Everyday
Masha Godovannaya | JUNE10 – JULY3 | M T W
Film Program ‘From “Etudes” to Necrocinema’ in the Austrian Film Museum
November 5, Film Program by Masha Godovannaya in the Austrian...
For Men Do Not Live by Bread Alone: Psychological Rehabilitation in Postwar Europe
2 December, 18:00 Guest Lecture (by Dr. Stella Maria Frei)...
French Modernism
Larissa Muravieva | S24 Fr
French Modernism
Larissa Muravieva | S25 MON
Future in the Past / Past in the Future: Grammar of the Present and (Post) Soviet Cinematography
Ilya Kalinin | Monday, December 12, 7 pm (UTC+3)
Generative AI and Global Media
Daria Minsky | FEB – APR S25
Geospatial Analysis in Social Sciences
Vera Ivanova | ARP – MAY S25
Global Middle Ages?
Victor Apryshchenko | JUNE11 - JULY3 | M T W
Higher Education Abroad: Where to Start
December 15, 7 pm (GMT+3) A workshop on how to...
Historical Memory during the Russo-Ukrainian War
Yurii Latysh | S25 W F
Historical Past and Contemporary Propaganda in the Global Context
June, 7 - 8, 2024 (Center for Comparative Research on...
History of History Painting
Maria Chernysheva | F24 T T
History of History, or How Modernity Comprehends the Past
Victor Apryshchenko | S23 T T
History of the World since 1300
Victor Apryshchenko | F24 M W
Homo Medievalis: Culture and the Individual in the Middle Ages
Victor Apryshchenko | S24 M W
How Did Math Begin to Rule?
Andrei Rodin | S24 T T
How Did Math Begin to Rule?
Andrei Rodin | S25 T T
How the World Has Changed Since We Founded Smolny
April, 15, 2024, 5:30 PM CET Public Talk by Nikolai...
How to apply for a PhD in the US: Art History
March, 15, 2023 Workshop led by Ivan Chernyakov
How to get an educational scholarship: personal experience
August, 17, 2024 11 am CET Natalia Fedorova, Zlata Pavlovskaya,...
Intro to Data Analysis
Evgeniya Polyakova | S25 T T
Introduction to Comparative Politics
Pavel Kononenko | S25 M W
Introduction to Dialectics
Artemy Magun | F24 M
Introduction to Film Language
Masha Godovannaya | F23 M W
Introduction to Film Language
Masha Godovannaya | F24 M W
Introduction to Liberal Arts Mathematics
Andrei Rodin | F24 T T
Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
Denis Skopin | SEP – OCT F24
Investigating Stalin’s Terror Through Photography
September 22, Denis Skopin's talk at Harvard Universithy.
IWT Workshop: Writing to Learn
October, 21– 25, 2024 IWT Workshop at Bard College Berlin
Kashubian Language in Modern Poland
10 March, 6:30 PM CET Lecture by Oleksandr Vasiukov
Life in the Face of War: Political Challenges, Social Responses, Cultural Shifts
April, 13 - 14, 2023 (Harriman Institute at Columbia University,...
Machines of No More War
Natalia Fedorova | S24 T T
Machines of No More War
Natalia Fedorova | S25 TUE
Memory and Archives in Russia
Tamara Velikodneva | S25 T T
My Work with People with Mental Disabilities in the UK
May, 20, 2024, 1:00 pm EST Moderated by Vera Shengeliya
Narratologies to come
February, 6, 2024. Presentation by Larissa Muravieva at the Narratology...
On Negotiations Capabilities in the Modern World
December, 19 4 pm CET, online, Michael Allakhverdov together with...
Pan-European and Local in Russian National Narratives. Visual, Performing Arts and Literature
8 November, 18:15 Roundtable at Humboldt Üniversität zu Berlin
Panel Study of Russian Public Opinion and Attitudes
April 5, 2024 Presentation at the University of Helsinki
Philosophy and Literature on Moral Sense
Garris Rogonyan | JULY8 – AUG9 | M F
Philosophy of War and Peace
Artemy Magun | S24 TH
Philosophy of War and Peace
Artemy Magun | S25 TH
Photography and Political Repression in Stalin’s Russia
April 23, 7 pm CET Presentation of the book by...
Political Economy in Retrospect
Danila Raskov | S24 T T
Political Economy in Retrospect
Danila Raskov | S25 T T
Political History of Documentary Photography in Russia
Denis Skopin | S23 M W
Political History of Documentary Photography in Russia
Denis Skopin | FEB19 – MAR21 | M TH
Prison and Hard Labor in Russian Literature
Dmitry Bykov | OCT31– DEC1 | T T
Putinism as an Ideology
Ilia Veniavkin | JAN – FEB W23
Putinism as an Ideology
Ilia Veniavkin | S24 M TH
Python and Data Processing for the Humanities (RIMA Course)
Ivan Iufriakov | S24 Т Т