January 17, 2024August 29, 2024Faculty Maria Chernysheva Maria Chernysheva Ph.D. in Theory and History of Art (St. Petersburg State University) Maria Chernysheva is an art historian focusing on nineteenth-century […]
January 17, 2024May 26, 2024Courses The Art and Thought of the Renaissance: Mimesis in Artistic Theory and Practices Maria Chernysheva | S24 T T
January 17, 2024February 7, 2024Courses Soviet Discourse on Oil. Its Grammar and Vocabulary January, 18, 2024. Lecture by Ilya Kalinin at Frei University
January 17, 2024January 17, 2024Courses Rhetorical foundations of society: Putin as a metaphor and/or metonymy of Russia January 16 (Tuesday), lecture by Ilya Kalinin
January 14, 2024January 20, 2024Blog Negation in Kolmogorov’s Calculus of Problems January 15, a talk by Andrei Rodin
January 12, 2024January 15, 2024Blog 16 more OSUN courses are available to the Smolny Beyond Borders students Application Deadline is January 15th. Apply Now.
January 11, 2024January 11, 2024Blog Want to learn something in the new year? DOXA Journal shared book recommendations of the Smolny Beyond Borders Spring 2024 faculty.
January 9, 2024June 4, 2024Courses Historical Past and Contemporary Propaganda in the Global Context June, 7 – 8, 2024 (Center for Comparative Research on Democracy of Humboldt Universität and the Gagarin Center of Bard College)
January 5, 2024January 22, 2024Blog “Putinism is bigger than Putin. You can’t just defeat him on the battlefield.” Ilya Venyavkin interviews Mikhail Suslov
January 4, 2024January 12, 2024Blog Smolny BB Courses Presentation (Spring 2024) January 11 – 8:30 New York / 14:30 Berlin / 16:30 St. Petersburg