Larissa Muravieva | S25 MON

Larissa Muravieva
Ph.D. in Language Theory and Narratology (Moscow, 2017).
Former faculty member of Smolny, Major "Literature" and MA "Film and Art Criticism"
Larissa Muravieva is a Researcher of Narrative and contemporary French Literature.
In 2018-2022 she has taught at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences. At Smolny, she taught courses such as «French Literature and Art of the XXth Century», «Key Texts of French Culture: the XXth Century», «Transmedial Narratology», and others. Laureate of fellowship programs of the Center for Franco-Russian Studies in Moscow and of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. In 2017, 2018, and 2023, she was a visiting researcher in the postdoctoral mobility program at the Center for the Study of Art and Language (EHESS, Paris). Member of the European Narratology Network (ENN) & Société internationale de recherches sur la fiction et la fictionnalité (SIRFF). In Russia she organized a number of conferences and scientific events on the narrative studies: “Transfert narratologique : la Narratologie française en Russie vs. La Narratologie russe en France” (Moscow, 2017), “Narratological readings” (St. Petersburg, 2019), sections “Transmedial Narratology” and “Narrative Practices of Sense-Making” (St. Petersburg, 2020, 2022), etc.
She is engaged in research in cognitive and transmedial narratology, autofiction, and contemporary autobiography.
Trauma Narratives in Contemporary Russian-language Literature
Larissa Muravieva | F24 TH
French Modernism
Larissa Muravieva | S24 Fr
Trauma Narratives in Contemporary Russian Literature
Larissa Muravieva | OCT – NOV F23