Category: Courses
Soviet Atlantis. A Melancholic Fantasy of the Post-Soviet Subject
Ilya Kalinin | Monday, November 28, 7 pm (UTC+3)
The Past as a Limited Resource: Historical Politics and the Economics of Rent (the “Black Gold” of Russian History)
Ilya Kalinin | Monday, December 5, 7 pm (UTC+3)
War and The Decay of The Language and #25 [Translit]: bol’she net slov
Natalia Fedorova & Translit | Wednesday, December 7, 7 pm (UTC+3)
Future in the Past / Past in the Future: Grammar of the Present and (Post) Soviet Cinematography
Ilya Kalinin | Monday, December 12, 7 pm (UTC+3)
Higher Education Abroad: Where to Start
December 15, 7 pm (GMT+3)
A workshop on how to apply to higher education programs abroad.
Culture as Politics: Archeology of National Knowledge
Ilya Kalinin | Monday, December 19, 7 pm (UTC+3)
Antidote against Tyranny? The Case of Russian Independent Media
February 1, 2023, 6:00 pm. Panel discussion at Bard College with Masha Gessen, Anna Nemzer, Archie Magno. Moderated by Ilia Venyavkin