My Work with People with Mental Disabilities in the UK

Date and time:
Monday, May 20, 13:00 EST (NY)
In the last semester of our Disability Lab, we met Elizaveta Nosova, she was a member of a group about Self-Advocacy for People with Disabilities. It turned out that Elizabeth had been living in the UK for several years and worked there in a group home for children with mental disabilities. There is always not enough time at our meetings, so the other participants and I asked Elizaveta to meet with us after the end of the course and tell us about her experience. Elizabeth agreed to our joy, and then said that if I wanted, I could invite other guests too. Come if you are interested in accompanied accommodation. But most importantly, come if you want to hear about the Mental Capacity Act – this is a terribly interesting thing that regulates the level of responsibility and capacity for their decisions among people with mental disabilities.