Rhetorical foundations of society: Putin as a metaphor and/or metonymy of Russia

Tuesday, 16 January, 6:15 PM Berlin
On January 16 (Tuesday) at 18.15 Ilya Kalinin will give a lecture at the Humboldt University: Institut für Slawistik, Dorotheenstraße 65, Raum 5.42.
Topic: “Rhetorical foundations of society: Putin as a metaphor and/or metonymy of Russia.”
In the photograph chosen for the annotation, through the half-open doors of the Kremlin’s St. George’s Hall, the former/future president of the Russian Federation can be seen walking to the inauguration ceremony. In this gap, permeated with ceremonial imperial symbols, endowing a small human figure with political charisma, one can see an allegory of the discursive frame organizing the special relationship between the president and the Russian Federation, Putin and Russia. The lecture will be devoted to the analysis of these rhetorical/conceptual relations, as well as the structural effects they produce, realized in a specific social imagination and political unconscious.