Andrei Rodin | S25 T T

Andrei Rodin
Dr. Sc. in Philosophy (St. Petersburg University); Ph.D. in Philosophy (the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences) former team member of Smolny Complex Systems and Philosophy Programs
After studying Computer Science, Mathematics and Mathematics Education in several universities in Moscow in 1995 I defended the Ph.D. thesis in Philosophy in the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences, and received a research position in this Institute. During the academic year 1998/1999 I was a Visiting Scholar in the Columbia University in NYC, US on the Fulbright grant. Upon my return to Russia I continued working as a researcher in the Russian Academy of Science, and in 2003 I got a postdoc position in Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France. In 2012 I returned again to Russia and until Spring 2022 combined a research in the Russian Academy of Science in Moscow with teaching in Smolny College of the State University of Saint-Petersburg. In 2020 I defended here my second thesis (Dr.Sc) on the axiomatic architecture of scientific theories.
In Spring 2022, soon after the beginning of the Russian military offensive against Ukraine, I and my family left Russia for France. Presently I have a position of researcher and lecturer in the University of Lorraine in Nancy, France. Here I do research in the Archive of Henri Poincaré and teach various courses in the engineering school ENSGSI. My current research project is focused on epistemological issues of computer-based knowledge representation.
Introduction to Liberal Arts Mathematics
Andrei Rodin | F24 T T
How Did Math Begin to Rule?
Andrei Rodin | S24 T T
Science and War
Andrei Rodin | NOV– DEC F22